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Pit-type truck scales are manufactured for installation in a pit. The road is level with the scales, which makes it easier for the car to enter and exit. This type of scale is recommended for enterprises with limited territorial capabilities. If a ramp scale requires a flat section of road about 50 meters long (scales 18 m + ramps 8 m + 14 m for vehicle entry and exit), then for a pit scale, 35-40 m is sufficient. These scales require the manufacture of a monolithic foundation. One of the important conditions is the need to organize a drainage system to drain water entering the pit. Otherwise, a canopy over the scale is required.

The load-receiving platform of the scales is designed with a large margin of safety, but thanks to the use of modern technologies in production, the height of the assembled scales is no more than 350 mm, which reduces the depth of the pit and the cost of construction work. The load receiving platform consists of several sections and is assembled at the installation site. Delivery of scales to the installation site is carried out by a regular truck. The process of assembling the scales is carried out by specialists from our company within 2-3 days. After installation of the scales is completed, the calibration procedure is carried out and the scales are handed over to the State Consumer Standards Authority of Ukraine.

Electronic part of the scales

Depending on the client’s wishes, analogue strain gauges manufactured by Zemic, Keli (China) or manufactured by HBM (Germany) are used in the scales. All strain gauges are included not only in the State Register of Ukraine, but also in the State Registers of other countries around the world. The strain gauges are designed to operate in a wide temperature range from – 30 to + 50 Celsius; accordingly, the scales operate while maintaining the stated metrological characteristics all year round, without stopping.

The weighing terminal is equipped with an RS232 interface, which allows you to connect the scales to a personal computer or laptop to organize accounting of the weighed product.

The middle of the scale is closed with hatches, which, if necessary, can be removed to access critical components or to clean the pit.

Metrological characteristics of scales

All components of the scales comply with the requirements of the new standard for weighing equipment – DSTU EN 45501:2007 Non-automatic fittings. Advanced technical capabilities and methods have been tested.

The use of analogue strain gauges of accuracy classes C3 and C4 guarantees stability, reliability and accuracy of scale readings and does not contradict the requirements of international standards; for weighing systems 4000 thousand verification divisions.

Operating the scale

Truck scales “Delta” are used both in enterprises with low cargo traffic – weighing up to 10 cars per day, and in enterprises 24/7 with weighing up to 200 loaded cars per day.

Truck scales “Delta” are used for weighing cars at enterprises in various areas such as: agriculture, oil and gas industry, scrap metal collection points, ports for receiving products and other enterprises for which the exact weight of imported and exported products using trucks is important.

Additional options for truck scales

  • The duplicate display allows you to display information about the weight of the vehicle in a continuous mode. The display board is installed in a place convenient for the operator or driver and can be removed from the weighing terminal at a distance of up to 1000 m. The duplicate display board is designed for installation outdoors, the degree of protection is IP54.
  • Traffic lights allow you to organize control of the entry/exit of cars into the territory of the enterprise. Typically installed on both sides of the scale. Control can be carried out either manually using a control panel or controlled using a program or controller.
  • Barriers in combination with traffic lights make it possible to additionally organize access control for vehicles entering the territory of the enterprise.
  • The weigher’s premises are a trailer. Allows you to place a weigher’s workplace with the installation of a personal computer.
  • Weigher software. Provides accounting of incoming/outgoing transport.
Index Meaning
1. Accuracy class middle
2. Maximum weighing limit (Max), kg 80 000
3. Smallest weighing limit (Min), kg 400
4. Real division value (d) and verification division value (e), kg 20
5. Limits of permissible error during initial verification/operation, kg:
in the range from 400 kg to 10,000 kg ± 10 / ± 20
over 10,000 kg up to 40,000 kg ± 20 / ± 40
over 40,000 kg ± 30 / ± 60
6. Operating temperature range, °C:
strain gauges from – 30 to + 45
weighing terminal from – 10 to + 40
7. The upper value of relative humidity of ambient air at a temperature of 25 ˚С is equal to 98%
8. Supply voltage and frequency, V; Hz 220 (+22; –33);50 ± 1
9. Power consumed by scales, W, no more 50
10. Tare mass sampling range, % of Max 0 – 100


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