During participation in projects for the reconstruction of the oxygen piping system in city hospitals No. 1 and No. 3 in Kramatorsk, Constanta Vaga specialists developed and installed 2 systems for weighing oxygen storage tanks.
Oxygen storage tanks were installed on strain gauges in special installation units with protection against lateral displacement and tipping.
The weight controller KV2MD, built into the cabinet to protect against external factors.
The use of the weight controller KV2MD made it possible to constantly transfer the weight value to the computer using an industrial protocol Modbus RTU data transfer, saving weighing results.
To ensure the accuracy of the weighing system, calibration of such systems is carried out in the laboratory using a reference press. The Constanta Vaga company has developed a technique in which each sensor is individually loaded to its maximum weighing limit and the system is calibrated for the maximum load. Subsequently, when installing such a system on site, there is no need for calibration with control weights or ballast, eliminating the possibility of additional errors.
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