As a result of the modernization of the mechanical concrete mixing unit, an automatic dosing control system (hereinafter referred to as ACS) was created.
The main purpose of the automated control system:
To simplify the operator’s work, a control panel is made, on which all controls and alarms of the mixing unit are located. The operator selects automatic or manual control mode. Working in automatic mode, if it is necessary to correct any component, the operator can switch to manual mode and make the necessary changes in the composition of the mixture. After this, the operator can continue dosing in automatic mode.
The automatic mode allows you to dose all components with maximum accuracy and with minimal losses, which facilitates the operator’s task and improves the quality of the concrete mixture. Weighing controllers transmit dosing information to a computer, where a complete record of all components is kept. Such a system allows you to optimize the operation of the mixing unit and saves not only human resources, but also expensive components.